After this experience, I started to pay a little more attention to the way I spoke or blogged about certain experiences, not wanting to loose people in the gobbledygook. So I understand that what I am about to say may make absolutely no sense at all to some of you. But today was so awesome there really is no translation. This is something my religion has that is my absolute favorite thing! We have a prophet and apostles and twice a year we have a weekend long conference. It is so spiritually intense. It is the most loving, inspiring, enlightening experience...each time! I absolutely LOVE it! To me it feels like a special holiday. And it far surpasses the others because it is pure and not ruined with marketing. It has more love than Valentine's Day, more gratitude than Thanksgiving, and speaks and rejoices of Jesus Christ just like at Easter and Christmas, only without all the other distractions. Granted, there really isn't the typical food, just the family together getting completely spiritually nourished!
The whole experience just reaffirms my love and gratitude for my Savior, Jesus Christ. It makes me so aware of His love for me and all of us. This brings so much peace on a very personal level. I feel so inspired to do better, to be better. I know that Christ wants the best for me and that if I give up my will for His I will be moving through life with so much more clarity and success.
I can't wait for both sessions tomorrow. I so need this!
I'm thankful for all of conference but especially these moments:
Chickie's drawings of the speakers, this picture is kind of dark. But look how cute! And I love that she included the microphone and pulpit. And I love how they are all so happy! I love that my daughter loves conference, too!
Enrique R Falabella's story about the worn out shoe and polishing his toe to hide the hole! (Happiness does not depend on money!)
Spencer J Condie's talk on the Lord's promises--I am going to have to study this one!
Deiter F Uchdorf's talk about reason's to rejoice...there are always reasons.
Joseph B Wirthlin--God Bless Joseph B Wirthlin.
Bruce D Porter--this was motivation for me to change for the better.
Keith K Hilbig--this talk on not hindering the spirit in our own lives is definitely one I will have to study again.
Jeffery R Holland's talk on how some religions misunderstand and don't think we are Christians was stinking awesome! The missionaries were going crazy--I'm sure because they have to deal with this everyday. But it was great. He is amazing!
Just another reason why I love church so much. It makes me happy and I feel so completely privileged to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints! Really, completely privileged!
I loved how Joseph B. Wirthlin's talk was on love, and what an example of love was Russell M. Nelson to stand beside his friend when he needed him. Sometimes that's how I feel with people in my life. I'm weak and in need of help and there they are holding me up telling me I can do it. I loved his talk! I hope that people focused more on the message of his talk rather than him. Although I was praying so hard for him that he would be ok. I've decided we should make conference like a holiday and make yummy food like on Thanksgiving. Good Idea, Huh?
I know. It was the perfect illustration of what he was talking about. I definitely like the picnic idea that we always used to do as kids. That was a lot of fun.
yup, conference was awesome. And I, too, was really moved by Elder Wirthlin's talk and by Elder Nelson helping him. I've been to Elder Wirthlin's home, and he is just the sweetest grandpa. I know it must be so hard for him with his wife gone now.
oh, yeah, Dan the Man...right?
I always like Jeffery R. Holland's talks. But then he is family.
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