Monday, May 12, 2008

something fun

My dad was passing through the airport in Paris.  I asked him to get me a magazine while he was there.  And it came today.  How fun!  Thanks, Dad!

He was on his way back to Bolivia from Africa.  Isn't my dad so worldly and cool, very Indiana Jones.  At least in my mind.  There was an incident in my childhood involving him chasing his favorite hat (it looked just like this I swear!) down a river when we were camping. So whenever anyone asks me about my dad I say he's just like Indiana least as much as a cultural anthropologist can be.  Oh, look. I found a picture of him in the hat. Baking bread on one of our camping trips. I need to learn another language. And update my passport. It's been too long since I've been anywhere remotely cool.There was a fun perfume sample that actually sprayed.  How fun is that. Do we have those? I don't remember seeing one before.

Thanks again dad!

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