Sunday, September 2, 2007

Gracias, Danka, Merci

On Sundays we started a new tradition of having breakfast for dinner. A lot like Sam's pizza nights...which are a lot of fun. I have also decided to do this more in my life, a schedule I guess. It's kind of nice. I think it probably makes things a lot more productive...instead of just hit or miss. So I thought it would be fun to start gratitude Sundays on my blog.
First of all. I love blogging. It has been really beneficial to me for several reasons. For one, I have an outlet for my thoughts. Because of that, I find myself listening a lot more to others. Instead of waiting for a certain topic to come up in conversation and then pouncing on an unsuspecting friend, unloading all that has been on my mind, I find myself much more able to listen. Secondly, this blog has really helped me on my quest to live a grateful life. A lot of the turmoil in my life has been brought upon myself by ingratitude. Because of that I have started trying to saturate our days with gratitude. One instrument in this cause that has been very effective has been our gratitude moments at the end of the day. As a part of our bedtime routine, before family prayer and scripture study we all go around and say what we are thankful for that day. Of course the most enthusiastic thanks giver is Chickie. Children are a delight! Our prayers, in turn, which were once lack luster in the thanks department are now 90% thanksgiving. I think it has had a very positive effect on our outlook on life.
Today in church our teacher asked us to think of an unsuspected service that someone has done for us to share later in the class. I, of course, had to take my baby out in to the hall. So I'll share mine now. The first one was when a friend brought over 3 months worth of FHE ideas geared toward my daughter. She brought a basket filled with activities and toys to supplement the lessons. I was amazed and so grateful, this really helped us get into the habit of FHE. We didn't have anymore excuses and we realized how easy they could be. Plus, Chickie loved it! The other was after a funeral. We were all so devastated, and a neighbor left a bag of food and a note. It was at the perfect time, unsuspected and such a comfort.
I am the first person to sign up when someone needs a meal or when I hear of a need where someone has asked for specific help. But both of the most meaningful acts of service to me were done without me asking for help. They were just thought of and performed. Both of those acts taught me how to truly be of service to others (now if I'll just try it).
If you want something else to be thankful for read this beautiful talk on gratitude: here.
I am thankful for you who read my blog and thankful for your comments. I would love to hear any comments if you have inspiring stories of service, or things you were grateful for today. I saw a squirrel with a huge nut in his mouth, that was kind of cool. I'm thankful for the huge windows in my sun room.


mandee said...

I have to say I think you do a great job of serving with a smile or rather that your smile is a 'service' to others. Probably something you don't realize, but I can attest to since I am the recipient of your patient and sincere smile. Not to sound sappy, but I do appreciate your kindness and friendship. To add to the thankful list--today I am thankful for our friendship!

andrea said...

So nice. Thank you. I really appreciate that. I'm thankful for our friendship, too.

mindy said...

oh boy, on Sunday we were ALL very grateful for the "Magic Cookie Bar" ingredients you sent us. I finally had a chance to make them and they were a huge hit! We've decided I can't make them again for a long time otherwise we'll gain 30 lbs!

andrea said...

my sister calls them fat bars. She ate them in order to help gain weight during her last pregnancy.